International Church of

the Word

Online Verse by Verse Bible Study

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. James 2:10 KJV

Online Bible Resources

We are a non-denominational church that provides line-upon-line Bible study of the Old and New Testaments; we provide understanding for a multitude of topics and any requested Bible topic. The emphasis is on the spiritual understanding and application of God’s word.

Bible Study

We offer verse by verse, book by book study of the entire Bible. Study format options include self-study through our online bible study, live study with one student and one teacher, and small groups studies.

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Watch YouTube bible study and topic videos from playlists such as gospel shorts, letters of Paul, Psalms, OT Wisdom, OT History and more.

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Are you hungering and thirsting for more in life? If so, come, break bread with us and drink of the water of life freely. This is a place where you can study the word of God and receive spiritual understanding of the scriptures. By using Bible keys, scriptures are unlocked and can be understood in a deeper, more meaningful way. To explore what is available click below on the “Learn More” button.

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Learning to discern thoughts and effectively fight against harmful ones is a precious gift. This skill will not only help us mentally, but also physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Life Application

The Bible is full of life promoting ideas. Being able to effectively apply those teachings to our own life is a skill that can be learned. Here you can find several articles to help in this process.


The Bible can sometimes be hard to understand. Here you can find help in understanding the meaning of some of life’s and religion’s common questions.

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Centralia, MO
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